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First Friday: A Story. A Song. An Activity.

January 2023: “What The Road Said”


Which way do I go? Where does the path lead? What if I go the wrong way? This month’s story reminds both children and adults that although we may never truly know where the road will lead, the choices along the path (both right and wrong) are ours to make. The key is in remembering to just keep going, taking one day at a time. Theme: Creating and Following Your Own Path

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December 2022: “Color Dance”


This month we are reading Color Dance, a joyful celebration of color and movement. Minimal text explains that many colors are the products of the three primary colors; red, yellow, and blue. A note explains that red can appear in a variety of shades.

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November 2022: “Counting Kindness”


From one boat helping us on our way to ten friends making us happy, “Counting Kindness” captures the key moments of a refugee family’s journey to their new home. This timely, graceful counting book offers a compassionate introduction to the struggles and triumphs of refugees, while highlighting ten simple ways we can share kindness with others.

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October 2022: “Listen”


The world is a busy place. But what if you stopped, closed your eyes, and LISTENED? This month’s read along book “Listen” by Gabi Snyder, invites readers to become intentional about slowing down enough to not only hear each sound but also learn how to listen past the noise and hear the quiet too. Children, parents, and providers all welcome.

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September 2022: “Dreamers”


The author and illustrator of this month’s story shares some of her unique first experiences after migrating from Mexico to the United States. Her use of colorful words and beautiful drawings help “paint the picture” for readers while reinforcing the power of books and storytelling. Children, parents, and providers all welcome.

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August 2022: “El Cucuy Is Scared, Too!”


Ramon can’t sleep because he is nervous the night before his first day at a new school. After a conversation with El Cucuy, the monster who lives in Ramon’s cactus pot, Ramon discovers that… El Cucuy is scared, too! This gentle story explores the worries that accompany moving to a new place and beginning a new journey. It reveals how comfort, bravery, and strength can be found through even the most unexpected of friendships. Children, parents, and providers are all welcome.

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July 2022: “Layla’s Happiness”


Come join our virtual library event for a special children’s literary adventure! Climbing a tree, wearing purple, and eating spaghetti without a fork. These are things that bring Layla happiness. Follow along with us this summer to ask, explore, and discover… What is happiness for you? Children, parents, and providers are all welcome.

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June 2022: “The ABCs of Black History”


This month’s story “The ABC’s of Black History” provides a glimpse into the many contributions of Black Americans while reminding readers that Black History is not limited to 28 days in February.

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May 2022: “I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness”


This month’s story introduces mindfulness and deep breathing to assist children with self-regulation strategies to use during moments of stress. Children, parents, and providers are all welcome.

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April 2022: “Chica Chica Boom Boom”


“A told B, and B told C… I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree.” Join us as this month’s story provides a fun introduction to the Alphabet by bringing the letters to life… just in time for National Poetry Month!

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Artwork by Synthia Saint James