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October: Not a Box

Children, parents, and providers, join us for the October 2024 Global Cardboard Challenge!

Did you ever think a…
Cardboard box could become a robot…
A paper towel tube could be part of an obstacle course for a pom pom…
A sunglass case could hide treasure?

Join us in reading, Not a Box by Antoinette Portis. This story takes us on a journey of imagination and inspiration. Read, then watch as your children transform household items into the most fun creations!

Not a Box: Read Along!


October’s Activity is the Cardboard Creativity Challenge: Get a Cardboard Box!

Cultivate the 4C’s with the children under your care (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication)

Pull out a box and discover all of the creative ways to envision cardboard!

Check out Caine’s Arcade to learn more about the Global Cardboard Challenge at


  • Any type of box (Cereal box, round oatmeal container, tea box – endless possibilities)
  • Space to let creativity happen and let it be a work in progress for a day, a week, a month, however long your little one needs.
  • Anything you find at home: pom poms, colorful tape, construction paper, paper clips and more!

October’s First Friday Song is a revisit of that fits perfectly with our theme.

Check out: You are a Cardboard Engineer

Dance along with our team as we sing about how you and your child can be cardboard engineers. There’s no failing – you just keep trying new things, new ideas, new possibilities!

And please send us photos of your little one at work, or their final product. Email us at if we can share the imaginative cardboard box creations you and your little ones brought to life!

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Artwork by Synthia Saint James