May 2024: "Llama Llama Red Pajama!"
Dear Parents and Child Care Providers,
It’s May and this month we share with you a read-along, song, and activity inspired by the emotional story of “Llama Llama Red Pajama”!
This month’s focus is on experiencing separation, seeking security, and practicing self-regulation.
“Llama Llama Red Pajama ” Read Along – Out Now!
Theme: Separation, Security, and Self-Regulation
This month’s reading includes an extra learning activity where you’ll learn how to incorporate “I Love You Rituals” (w/ Ms. Michelle) including the 4 key elements of connection to help children navigate through “newness” of all sorts, and keep them uplifted during times of uncertainty and stress.
Prep First with Sensory “Calm Down” Jars Learning Activity
In this month’s activity, “First Fridays: Sensory ‘Calm Down’ Jars” we focus on mindfulness, identifying big emotions, and calming ourselves to deal with those difficult moments.
With items found around your home or at your local dollar store, we guide you through creating swirly and glittery sensory “calm down” jars to help relax the children in your care!
For this activity you’ll need:
Empty, clean water bottle
Water Vegetable or baby oil
Food coloring
*Glue/Super Glue to be applied to seal lid by adult supervisor
First Friday Song: ISHE Kids Imagination- The Singing Lizard
This fun song reminds children of the mood-shifting power of using their imagination to play and explore!
At Crystal Stairs, Inc., we’re passionate about bringing educational and enjoyable content to your family. We believe in the power of storytelling, music, and art to enrich children’s lives.
Thank you for being a part of our First Friday journey. Enjoy the Read Along, the creative activity, and the uplifting music with your loved ones!
Warm regards,
Crystal Stairs, Inc.
ECE Resource Center