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Now Enrolling for 2024-2025 school year!

Free Preschool! Now enrolling for 2024-2025 school year!

Why us? We offer high quality early learning programs serving income-eligible children birth to 5 years old.

We offer preschool, infant & toddler programs!
•High Qualified Teachers
•Full Day and Family Childcare Home program options
•Free Health & Developmental screenings
•Engaging age-appropriate curriculum
•Parent Volunteer opportunities
•Free nutritional meals and snacks
•Free parenting support and male involvement workshops
•Toilet Training (toddlers/preschoolers)
•Children with disabilities are welcomed

To give your child a head start, call 323-421-1100 or click HERE.

Crystal Stairs Inc. Head Start/Early Head Start is an equal opportunity provider. Please provide the following at appointment time:

•Proof of Income (TANF, SNAP, 1040, W2 Form)
•Child’s Birth Certificate
•Child’s Immunization record
•Proof of Address
•Documentation of child’s disability, if applicable


See Enrollment Flyer HERE.

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Are you looking for child care services you can count on?

Call us (323) 299-8998 or click here to get in touch with
a Crystal Stairs Representative.

Artwork by Synthia Saint James