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October 2021: “Rosie Revere, Engineer”

“Rosie Revere, Engineer” by Andrea Beaty Illustrated by David Roberts

“Rosie Revere, Engineer” is a beautifully-illustrated tale of a girl and her dream to become a great engineer. Where some people see rubbish, Rosie Revere sees inspiration. After our story reading, join us for a special song and a hands-on children’s learning activity. Children, parents, and providers all welcome!


Lesson Activity: “Cardboard Engineering”

Rather than letting cardboard go to waste in your home, you can turn cardboard into great STEAM projects. Not only can you learn something new and get those creative juices flowing. It gets kids using their fine-motor and critical thinking skills and it’s a great way to repurpose materials from your recycle bin.Popular items used for Cardboard Engineering

  • Paper towel rolls (or toilet paper roll)
  • Card board boxes (of any shape or size)
  • To-go boxes
  • Cardboard dividers
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors

You can use any materials that might help you decorate or foster creativity.


Sing-Along Song: “You are a Cardboard Engineer”

Tondra Gardner and Isaac Cox band together to engineer a sing along song called “You are a Cardboard Engineer!” You may recognize the tune, but we changed the words!

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Artwork by Synthia Saint James