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July 2022: “Layla's Happiness”

First Friday – “Layla’s Happiness” Reading

Come join our virtual library event for a special children’s literary adventure! Climbing a tree, wearing purple, and eating spaghetti without a fork. These are things that bring Layla happiness. Follow along with us this summer to ask, explore, and discover… What is happiness for you? Children, parents, and providers are all welcome.


First Friday – “Summer Happiness Bucket List Challenge” Learning Activity

Bucket List Challenge

The weather is warmer, the days feel longer, and school is out for the summer! Making Homemade Playdough… Creating Chalk Art Murals… Blowing Bubbles… Watching the sun set… Let’s make a list of all of the fun things we would like to experience before the season changes to Fall!


Summer Song for Kids

The Singing Walrus

Turn up the music and dance along as this month’s song gets children thinking about their Summer plans with the simple prompt…

What do you like to do in the summer?

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Artwork by Synthia Saint James