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March 2023: “The Bad Mood”

First Friday – Read Along Book “The Bad Mood” by Book by Moritz Petz

Use this month’s story as an opportunity to start a conversation about mood as Badger’s experiences show the power of cultivating mindfulness during our interactions with others. Children, parents, and caregivers can all learn what to do when experiencing a “bad mood” sensation.


First Fridays – Freeze Dance Learning Activity

“Freeze Dancing”

Move Your Body, Shift Your Mood

Let’s combine music and movement to see how incorporating playful physical activity can influence mental and emotional well-being!

The rules seem simple, but find out if they are difficult or easy for your children to follow Turn up the music, move your bodies and DANCE… then, when the music stops, everybody FREEZE!

Sing-Along: “Happy” by Pharrell Williams

Turn it up, sing, and dance along as we discover how outlook impacts mood!

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Artwork by Synthia Saint James